Star Wars: Malignant Metamorphosis Page 30
The Sith Lord did not cry out in pain or fear. All that mattered to him was that his beloved escaped death. His angel would survive. Anakin had given his word. The Dark Lord of the Sith finally allowed himself to slip away into darkness.
Ben awoke to Padmay’s frantic screaming as Anakin retreated within the young man’s core, giving Ben complete control of his body again. He immediately ran over to his twin. Using all his strength, Ben pulled his sister away from the burning mass of bodies as the fire engulfed the entire chamber. He forced Padmay down the twisted maze of dark hallways towards the tunnels that would lead them to freedom.
Thick, acrid smoke followed the pair and billowed about their faces as they made their way out of the underground city. It choked and blurred their vision. Incinerating timbers crashed down all around them as the fire raged behind them. It coiled and licked at their heels as they ran blindly down the black corridors seeking escape. They gasped for air as smoke rapidly stole the precious substance from them.
Ben used his senses to find their way through the seething, swirling furnace of hell out into the daylight beyond. Finally reaching safety, Padmay frantically struggled with her twin in order to return to the inferno. It took all of Ben’s might to hold her back. She finally fell to the ground and wailed in agonizing grief and misery. Padmay felt her true love slip away from her. The Supreme Ruler was dead.
Chapter Twenty Seven
- Wrath -
Every X-Wing had returned to the Solaris without a single scratch on their durasteel frames. Brant had returned to the bridge awed by the events that had transpired. Lando was waiting impatiently on the observation deck for Luke to contact him. He’d been pacing nervously for what seemed like hours before he finally heard his friend’s voice.
“Lando. Can you hear me?”
“Yes Lando. It’s me. Our battle against the Sith is over. You can go down to Geonosis now and assist Ben with Padmay. They’re safe for the moment, but you’ll have to bring an armed guard with you. Ben’s had to restrain his sister.”
“Restrain her. Why?”
“There isn’t any danger from the insectoid population. You won’t have to deal with them. Once chaos broke out they hid in the catacombs, but there are still a few of Vader’s children left. We’re using the Force to control them and they’ll soon eliminate each other, but Ben is still in danger from his sister. Padmay is trying to use her powers against him. He’s very weak from his confrontation and is barely able to control her. She’s trying to kill him.”
“Kill him?”
“Yes. She’s still under the influence of the Dark Side.”
Lando didn’t like the sound of that. He’d hoped that once freed from the new Sith Lord’s hold over her, Padmay would return to her normal self. It didn’t appear that was the case. “There’s no need to say any more Luke. I’m on my way. I’ll bring Chewbacca with me. He won’t have much trouble managing her.”
Within moments, Lando was on board a shuttle headed for the planet’s surface. Thick, black smoke billowed from the tunnels carved into the mountains making the planet itself look infuriated by the fracas that had taken place. Luke told him Ben’s exact location so it didn’t take him long to find the pair. He’d been right about Padmay. She was physically attacking Ben. As strong as Chewbacca was, he had a hard time pulling her from her brother. The wookiee was forced to manacle her. Once restrained, they all boarded the shuttle and headed back to the Solaris.
Ben was on the observation deck with Lando, Brant, Chewbacca, Artoo and Threepio. He was doing his best to explain what happened on Geonosis.
“How in the hell did you defeat Vader’s children?” Lando asked.
“I didn’t. The Jedi made them attack each other, just like the TIE pilots and those on board the Death Star did.”
“They attacked each other?” Lando asked, not understanding what Ben meant.
“Yes. It’ kind of hard to explain. Darth Sidious took Darth Vader’s blood after being wounded on Mustafar. He used it to inseminate a surrogate who gave birth to Vader’s clone. His army was created the same way, but their blood had been diluted with insectoid cells. The Jedi brought the soldier’s killer instinct to the surface making them see each other as predators attacking their hive. That’s why they murdered each other. My grandfather devised the plan.” ”
“Now I get it. That’s what Luke meant when he told me the insectoids were eliminating each other. Clever idea, but what about Vader’s clone? How did you defeat him?”
“I had nothing to do with that. My grandfather confronted him. He took full possession of me, both body and mind. I was in some kind of suspended state so I don’t really have any idea what happened after I fought Padmay.”
“What happened with her?”
“We fought, but when I gained the advantage Vader zapped me with Force lightning and I was restrained. That’s when my grandfather took over. Everything’s a blank after that.”
“How did you escape?” Brant asked.
“I came out of my trance and saw Vader on the floor surrounded by his soldiers. They were attacking him. I haven’t a clue why, but I didn’t stick around to find out. I just grabbed Padmay and got out of there. The whole place was burning down around us. It was almost like standing in the pit of hell.”
“Luke said that Padmay tried to kill you. Does she still want to?” Lando asked.
“I’m afraid so. I’ve been down to the brig several times. Padmay rams against the force field trying to get to me. I can still hear her voice inside my head trying to convince me to kill myself. I’ve got to stay away from her Uncle Lando. I’m afraid she’ll hurt herself. She flies into a rage every time I get near her cell. She’s still under Vader’s influence.”
“Is there anything I can do to help her?”
“I don’t think so. Padmay’s not acting like herself at all. I don’t think she’ll listen to anyone right now. I’m hoping by the time we get home some of Vader’s influence will wear off.”
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. Padmay attacked Ben while being escorted from the Solaris when they landed on Coruscant. She’d jabbed her elbows into her guard and grabbed his blaster, then fired on her twin. If she hadn’t been running towards him, her aim would’ve been more accurate. Luckily, he only suffered a superficial wound. She’d been subdued and restrained. Padmay vowed that she’d get revenge while being led away. The young woman had been taken to the stockade and been kept under lock and key ever since.
Lando Calrissian went to see Padmay a number of times while confined. She’d spat in his face and swore vengeance against them all. He was at a loss at what to do. Her trial was due soon. He didn’t want to see her imprisoned on a penal colony on some distant planet, or worse, be executed as a traitor.
Lando visited Ben while he was on leave recuperating from his wound. He knew the young man was extremely upset about Padmay’s condition and wanted to know what was going to happen to her.
Ben paced nervously while they discussed the situation. “I just don’t know what to do Uncle Lando. I’m worried sick about Padmay.”
“I’m very concerned about her welfare too son. I fear what the Justice Department is planning.”
“Will she have to stand trial as a traitor?” Ben asked.
“Her trial has been scheduled, but I intend to do all I can to stall it. Her best defense is an insanity plea, which I’m sure she’ll deny. Regardless, she wasn’t in her right mind at the time, and she still isn’t. I’ve asked that your sister be examined by psychiatrists. A medical report from them will attest to the fact. That should postpone Padmay’s trial and hopefully keep officials content for the time being.”
“Will that be enough to satisfy them? Won’t they insist that Padmay stand trial as soon as possible?”
“Not if I have anything to say about it. I still have a few favors owed me. I’ll do everything in my pow
er to prevent that from happening.”
Threepio spoke up, “May I suggest she be committed to a psychiatric facility Master Ben? You both agree that Miss Padmay isn’t in her right mind. That might prevent any legal action from being taken.”
“That’s a very good idea Threepio. Padmay’s mental condition is important to her case. Placing her in a mental hospital before a trial begins might give the authorities cause to drop the charges.”
“I’ll do everything in my limited abilities to assist her Master Ben.”
“Thank you Threepio. I’m certain you’ll do all you can, but that’s not where your expertise lies. It’s best to leave things in the hands of experts.”
“So that’s the answer then? Having your sister committed to an insane asylum?”
“I’m afraid so Uncle Lando, unless you can come up with a better idea.”
Once Padmay was placed in a metal facility it kept the Justice Department at bay for a while. Lando did all he could to convince the court that she’d been under an evil influence, and that she was innocent of her role in the Sith Lord’s plot. His diligence succeeded and all charges against her were dropped.
During this time Ben remained in service on board the Solaris. He went to see Padmay every chance he got. His duties kept him away from Coruscant most of the time, but when given leave he visited her.
Three standard months passed before Ben started seeing some improvement in his sister’s condition, though her reaction to him hadn’t changed very much. She did stop trying to escape, at least. By then it was quite obvious that Padmay was pregnant. Ben assumed her condition had a lot to do with her subdued attempts to seek revenge.
The young man had been shocked to discover that Padmay was carrying Vader’s child. He’d no idea just how much his sister had suffered under the Sith Lord. How she could still care so much for someone who’s stolen her innocence was beyond him. He supposed that’s what she meant when she told him that she’d given herself to her master completely.
Steffen accompanied Ben a few times when he visited Padmay at the hospital. Ben had tried to discourage him from tagging alone, but it had been useless. Steffen cared for Padmay a great deal and would not be put off. When Steffen found out that Padmay was pregnant, he’d suggested that they tell everyone he was the father. Though very grateful for his attempt to save his sister’s reputation, Ben wouldn’t hear of it. He wouldn’t allow Steffen to sacrifice his good name.
Steffen seemed truly disappointed when Ben rejected his idea. He’d gladly sacrifice his name and anything else for Padmay. It appeared that his feelings for her were more than just a mere physical attraction. When she’d disappeared, Steffen realized just how much he’d yearned for her affection. He didn’t care if his reputation was ruined. He’d gladly let everyone think he’d impregnated Padmay before wedlock. He’d even say he’d molested her in order to protect her from the scandal that would mar her name. Steffen Antilles loved Padmay Solo with his whole heart and soul, and prayed that she would return his devotion one day.
Time passed and Padmay finally ceased her attempts at revenge. Anakin had come from the Netherworld in spirit form and spent a great deal of time with her. After his visits she seemed to improve rapidly. Padmay was soon to be released on a weekend pass. Ben was granted a leave and was looking forward to her visit.
The weekend finally came. Padmay’s attendant-droid escorted Ben’s sister from the shuttle as it settled on the landing platform. Ben and Lando were on the threshold waiting to greet her. She smiled timidly as her twin rushed out to her.
“How good it is to see you again Ben,” Padmay said.
“Welcome home Padmay,” Ben said as he cautiously put his arms around her and hugged her gently.
“Mistress!” Threepio shouted as he rushed up to her as fast as his metallic frame allowed him to.
“Hello Threepio. How have you been?” Padmay asked the golden droid as a huge grin spread across her face.
“I’ve been keeping myself busy with the household duties Miss Padmay. I’ve missed you very much.”
“I’ve missed you too Threepio.”
Artoo rolled out onto the platform and beeped excitedly.
“How have you been my little friend?” Padmay asked.
Artoo whistled a response.
“I assume that means you’re glad to see me too.”
The little droid buzzed a happy reply.
Lando greeted Padmay with a little restraint on his part.
“Hello Uncle Lando. It’s good to see you again.”
“It’s wonderful to see you looking so, umm..., healthy,” Lando replied.
“You mean fat, don’t you?” Padmay laughed as she put her hands to her stomach.
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I know that Uncle Lando. Have you forgotten how we used to tease each other? Well I haven’t. I know you still have your doubts about me. I’m aware that I still have a long way to go before I’m back to my true self, but I am much better now. I’ve improved tremendously these past few months; with Ben and grandfather’s help, of course.”
“You must be tired from your trip. I imagine you want to freshen up. Threepio. Go with Padmay and attend to her,” Ben commanded.
“Yes Master Ben.”
Padmay reached out for her brother’s hands. Taking them in hers she said, “Thank you so much for everything you’ve done to help me Ben. I won’t soon forget it, but you’re right. I am rather tired. I think I will rest for a while.”
Ben and Lando watched Padmay as she walked down the hallway towards her chambers with her guard following close behind.
“What do you think Uncle Lando? Padmay does seem a lot better now, doesn’t she?”
“It appears so, but what do you think? Do you sense any hostility from her?”
“She is a little out of sorts, but that’s to be expected after all she’s been through. I assume her pregnancy is affecting her mood as well. It’s no wonder she isn’t back to normal yet. Regardless, I don’t sense any of the rage that she felt before.”
“Are you sure Ben? She may be blocking her true feelings from you. Padmay still might attempt to take your life.”
“Don’t worry Uncle Lando. Padmay has the guard watching her, and Artoo will keep tabs on her this weekend. Even if she wants to, which I’m sure she doesn’t, Padmay won’t get a chance to do anything to harm me.”
“Just don’t let her start preparing dinner with any sharp objects.”
Ben laughed. “I won’t.”
“I better get going.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay for dinner? I’m certain Padmay would like to visit with you too.”
“Some other time. You both have a lot to discuss. I’m sure you don’t need an old geezer like me hanging around getting in the way. That is, unless you’re still afraid to be left alone with her.”
“I’m not afraid of my sister Uncle Lando. I’m just worried that she hasn’t truly forgiven me yet.”
“Time will tell Ben. Time will tell.”
Time did tell. Though Padmay was a little remote on her first trips home, the more she visited, the more she relaxed, especially knowing that no legal action would be taken against her. Tensions slowly eased between the siblings and they started teasing each other like they used to. Padmay was finally deemed sane after five months and was released from the mental facility. She was coming home today.
As soon as her shuttle landed, Ben welcomed her on the threshold. He smiled broadly when he embraced her. “Welcome home Padmay.”
“Thank you Ben. I’m extremely happy to be released from that horrid place. You can’t imagine how much I’ve missed you. I’ve even missed Threepio’s constant complaining,” she giggled. “I’m so relieved to be home Ben. I couldn’t be happier.”
“Couldn’t you?”
“I do have to admit that I still have the nightmares. Let me apologize for them
in advance. I’m afraid I might wake you during the night. I find myself bolting out of bed screaming on occasion.”
“There’s no need to apologize Padmay. None of this was your doing. I’m just glad that you’ve found it in your heart to forgive me.”
“There’s nothing to forgive Ben. You saved my life. I’ll never forget what you did. I’m the one who must ask for forgiveness for what I tried to do to you.”
“It wasn’t your fault. Vader controlled your every thought, but I knew deep inside that he couldn’t force you to kill me.”
“You’re wrong Ben. I would have killed you. I would’ve done anything the Sith Lord asked of me. If it weren’t for grandfather he would’ve restored Palpatine’s Empire. Humanity would be suffering under his tyranny as we speak. Then again, we wouldn’t be speaking at all, would we? You’d be dead, or you would’ve killed me. Grandfather saved us both.”
“Your right. Anakin did save us. Us, as well as the entire galaxy.”
“I still can’t figure out how he took possession of your body. Do you know how he did it?”
“No. I haven’t a clue. Nearly everything that occurred on Geonosis is a complete blank.”
“I wish I couldn’t remember any of it.”
Ben grabbed his sister’s hand. “It’s all in the past now Padmay. We have to exorcise the experience from our minds completely. Otherwise we’ll never be able to go on from here.”
“You’re right Ben. Let’s not mention what happened ever again.”
“I promise.”
“Me too. Mums the word.” Padme put thumb and forefinger to her mouth. She twisted them as if locking a door, just like they’d done when children trying to keep a secret from their parents, without any success.
Ben smiled. The memory made him start to laugh. Knowing exactly what he was thinking, Padmay joined her brother in his mirth. The twins embraced each other, pledging to let go of the past.
Chapter Twenty Eight
- Naboo -
Ben and Padmay were finally back on Coruscant after visiting Padme Amidala’s home planet of Naboo. The Supreme Ruler had shown Padmay the beauty of this sphere and she wanted to see it with her own eyes. She also wanted to see where her grandmother was born. The young woman was excited knowing she’d finally meet Padme’s family.