Star Wars: Malignant Metamorphosis Page 23
“I’ll gladly welcome your input Admiral. It’ll be easier to explain the situation better if we do it together. We shouldn’t put it off any longer.” Brant turned and gave the order to prepare his shuttle. He then turned back to Ben. “I want you to know that I’ll not endanger the lives of this crew without their consent. I don’t know how many more of these Sith are out there, but I won’t take unnecessary risks with my men. I’ll have to tell them exactly what this mission entails. I’ll only take volunteers. If we don’t get enough men the mission will be scrubbed. Do you understand me pilot?”
“Yes sir, but how long do you think it will take at headquarters?”
“I don’t know, but I’ll make an announcement to the crew if and when we get approval to resume the search.”
“May I have your permission to go down to the surface with you sir? There’s something I need to get. It’s very important.”
“Of course, but don’t take too long. I expect we’ll be on our way shortly, but only if we get permission.”
“You can go to the surface with us,” Lando told Ben. “I have to get Chewie anyway. He’ll never forgive me if I leave him behind again.”
“What are we waiting for?” Ben asked as he rushed towards the turbolift.
When their shuttle landed on Coruscant, Lando accompanied Brant to Central Command. Ben rented a speeder and raced home. Threepio hurried over to him as soon as he touched down. “I’m so glad you’re finally home Master Ben. Did you find Miss Padmay? Is she with you?”
“No Threepio. Padmay’s not with me, but I know where she is now. That’s one reason I came home. I need Artoo. He’s got stored data that may come in handy. I'm sorry, but you’ll have to come with us. I know how much you hate flying, but I need you to translate for me.”
“Of course Master Ben. I can translate approximately over six million...,”
“Not now Threepio. Just get Artoo.”
“Yes Master Ben.” Threepio turned and went towards the kitchen, muttering to himself. “I wonder just where we’re going. It’s been such a long time since Artoo and I went on an adventure together. I wonder why he’s so important. I have stored information that might be helpful too,” Threepio continued talking to himself as he went after the little droid.
Ben met Lando and Chewbacca at the shuttle. Threepio was still complaining to himself, while Artoo beeped and buzzed in reply. Ben was certain Artoo’s retorts were rude comments. The droids always bickered.
Brant was already on board the shuttle. Chewbacca was pacing frantically back and forth in front of it. He was upset because he hadn’t heard from his relatives on Kashyyyk. There were quite a few systems Coruscant had lost contact with. The general public didn’t know yet that most of their homes worlds had been vaporized by the Death Star. Ben hoped he’d be able to keep the wookiee’s rage under control when he informed him of the sad news. When he did, Ben was surprised by his reaction. The gigantic beast just sat down on the ramp and wailed in great sorrow. Both he and Lando did all they could to comfort him.
After they got Chewbacca calmed down, the small group entered the shuttle. As soon as Ben walked through the hatch, Brant said, “We’ve received permission from headquarters to resume the mission, as well as getting more than enough volunteers. Every member of the crew is on board the Solaris. Not one man asked to be relieved from duty.”
Ben wasn’t surprised. He’d known that his comrades would stand by him in his time of need. Once again he was filled with enormous pride to serve among such courageous men.
“We’ll depart as soon as we stock up on supplies,” Brant continued. “You’d better get some rest as soon as we get back on board. You haven’t had much sleep in the past few days. None of us have. I have a feeling we’re going to need it.”
“You have no idea how right you are sir,” Ben replied.
Steffen was lying on the top bunk when Ben entered their shared cabin. “Do you have time to explain what happened now?” Steffen asked as he hopped down.
“I’ll do my best,” Ben said as he sat down on the bottom cot. “I’m sorry I had to put you off before, but I had to find out if we were still going to search for Padmay. I’m so worried about her.”
“I’ve been worried about her myself. Are the Sith a part of what’s going on? Are they responsible for her disappearance?”
“I’m afraid so. The Sith are behind everything that’s happened up to this point. I fear my sister’s life is in jeopardy as we speak.” Ben’s shoulders sagged and he sighed. “You deserve a full explanation of why all this is happening, but I’ve no idea where to begin.”
“I’ve always found the beginning a good place to start.”
“Well, it all started the night of the Independence Dinner...,”
Ben reintroduced Steffen to Padmay while attending the Academy. Due to their parent’s friendship, they’d been playmates as children. Through the years they’d lost contact with each other, as often happens when people are separated for any length of time. Ben felt Steffen’s attraction to Padmay and was hoping they’d develop a relationship now that they were older. He prayed there would still be a chance for it after he revealed his family history. He told Steffen everything, including their relationship to Darth Vader. “I hope this won’t change your feelings towards me and my sister,” Ben stated when finally finished.
Steffen appeared dumbfounded and didn’t respond right away. It was apparent that he was trying to digest everything as he gnawed on his lower lip. It was a nervous habit he had while deep in thought.
Ben wondered if Steffen was revolted now that he knew Ben and Padmay were Vader’s grandchildren. Would his friend avoid him from this point forward? Ben hated the thought of losing his friendship.
Steffen finally replied. “It certainly isn’t the best news I’ve ever heard, but I imagine I can live with it. As long as you don’t try to talk me into joining the Dark Side,” he joked. He cocked his head and gave a wry smile trying to relieve the tension that had built up between them.
Ben breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn’t help but laugh at Steffen’s attempt at humor. “You don’t have to worry about that my friend. Serving the Sith is definitely not what I envision for my future.”
Steffen laughed as well, but his face quickly grew serious again. “Is Padmay really under this Sith Lord’s influence?”
“I’m afraid so. I don’t know how I’m going to save her.”
Steffen was just as anxious as Ben, but didn’t want to upset his friend any more than he already was. “Don’t worry Ben. You know everyone on board will do all they can to help. You know you can rely on me.”
“Thanks Steffen. You don’t know how much it means to me.”
Steffen sat on the cot next to Ben. Putting his arm around his shoulder, he tried to comfort Ben as best as he could while feeling his own heart breaking.
Mess call had been announced. Attendance was required so Steffen and Ben went, but neither one ate very much. Not being on duty when the meal was over, both went back to their quarters. Steffen was now sleeping soundly in the upper bunk. Ben was lying atop his own cot with his eyes closed, but he couldn’t sleep. He forced himself to relax and went into a meditative state. He knew he wouldn’t get any rest until he considered every aspect of the situation he found himself in. That was why he brought Artoo. The little droid held data about his grandfather. Though Luke transferred the main portions of Anakin’s life to him, Ben hoped he’d learn more. He assumed such knowledge would enable him to find a weakness in the new Sith Lord.
The young man was determined more to learn all he could about Anakin Skywalker. Threepio would have to translate Artoo’s data, no matter how dangerous the consequences might be. Maybe once he recalled that Anakin was his creator, Threepio might also have some useful information that hadn’t been wiped from his memory entirely. Of course, that’s if the droid surv
ived the knowledge that Anakin was Darth Vader. Ben hoped Threepio was emotionally stronger than he appeared.
Ben’s mind seemed to be in an utter state of chaos. His thoughts seemed to be spinning out of control. He felt as if he were on some kind of wild amusement ride that his mother used to take him on when a child. He didn’t know which end was up. He feared for himself, as well as Padmay. His apprehension was hard to manage knowing the ordeal that lay ahead. He had to confront this version of Vader, just as Luke had faced the original. There was one major difference in Ben’s confrontation though. His battle would be more dangerous than Luke’s was. Ben was well aware that the entity that awaited him on Geonosis was cloned from both Darth Vader and Darth Sidious. The lad wondered how these separate individuals had become one mind. Why had the new Vader taken Padmay? Why hadn’t Luke or Anakin told him who he’d be facing? These thoughts swirled in the forefront of his mind as he tried to get the rest his body needed so badly.
As Ben lay there trying to get his confused thoughts in order a great calm started to envelope him. He heard his grandfather’s voice calling out to him.
“Can you hear me Ben?”
“Yes grandfather. I hear you.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t come to you before this, but I couldn’t risk breaking free to come to your aid during the battle.”
“Why not? I thought the Jedi would be protecting the X-Wing’s when we went up against the TIE’s this time, but they didn’t help us at all. Most of my friends were killed.”
“I deeply regret that so many died, but their deaths couldn’t be avoided. Even using our combined powers it took quite a few Jedi to shield Coruscant and the Solaris, as well as the other battleships involved. The rest of us had to control TIE pilots’ thoughts, as well as those on board the Death Star. The Jedi had to make a choice whom to keep from harm. Unfortunately your friends had to be sacrificed in order to win this battle.”
“That isn’t much consolation. I know, I know. Don’t mourn for my friends. They’re all in the Netherworld now, but it just doesn’t seem fair that they had to die.”
“Life isn’t fair Ben. Nevertheless, your friends gave their lives for a greater cause. Each one shall be remembered as a hero.”
“Again, that’s not much consolation.” Changing the subject he said, “There’s so much I need to know before I encounter this new Sith Lord grandfather. How was I able to fly so well? My piloting skill increased tenfold. How was I able to communicate telepathically? How could I reach inside the enemies’ mind and read their thoughts? I don’t understand where did these capabilities come from? I never had them before.” He paused before asking, “Why didn’t you tell me I’d be facing Vader’s clone?”
“As far as your flying abilities are concerned, you inherited them from me. The other skills you now possess come from deep within you. You gave yourself completely over to the Force. When you did, it allowed you to achieve a higher level of development. That’s the reason you were able to connect with your comrades telepathically, as well as read you enemy’s thoughts. I regret that I didn’t tell you who you’d be facing on Geonosis, but you weren’t ready. You had to learn who your foe was on your own. It strengthened you. Your mind has to be strong enough to resist him when he tempts you to the Dark Side.”
“I’m not so sure my willpower is strong enough to resist him grandfather.”
“I’ll help you all I can son, but the struggle to resist the temptation will rest heavily upon your shoulders. I can’t prevent you from falling victim to it. You’ll find it extremely hard to resist the lure of ultimate power. You haven’t realized your full potential as yet. Unfortunately, Luke died before completing your training, but I have complete faith in you Ben. I’m certain you won’t end up a slave to the Sith as I was. By the time your confrontation is over you’ll be able to call yourself a true Jedi Knight.”
“That’s only if I can resist the temptation to turn.” Ben sighed, doubting himself.
“You can’t let yourself think that way son. Doubt is a tool of the Sith.”
“I know. Doubt leads to fear. Fear leads down the path to the Dark Side. Uncle Luke taught me that.”
“You remember your lessons well,” Luke Skywalker said as his shimmering form suddenly appeared before his nephew.
“Uncle Luke. Is that really you?”
“Yes Ben. I’m here. Not in physical form. I can’t touch you, nor can you touch me. I’m more in your mind’s eye. Nonetheless, I am here with you.”
“I’m glad you’re here. I need your help, just as much as I need grandfather’s assistance.”
“There’s more for us to discuss concerning your confrontation. You’ll have to meditate in order to gain sufficient strength. You’ll have to seriously consider everything we’re about to tell you. You have to willingly accept your responsibility before giving consent. We won’t be able to proceed with our plan otherwise. Now, if you’re ready, we’ll explain exactly what has to be done.”
Ben was on the observation deck staring out the viewport, but he didn’t see the stars streaking by. He was deep in thought. He was thinking about what was expected of him. His grandfather’s plan seemed impossible to pull off. In fact, it was suicidal. Nonetheless, he’d do his best to perform his duty, even though his chance of survival was slim to none.
The turbolift doors hissed open taking his attention from his thoughts. Lando walked out with Chewbacca, Threepio, and Artoo rolling behind them. He noticed the worried look on Ben’s face and asked him what was wrong. Ben knew they’d all face death very soon and tried to explain how dire their situation was. They listened quietly until the young man told them that rescuing Padmay would be extremely difficult. Lando asked him how he knew she was on Geonosis.
“The new Sith Lord informed me.”
“What? How? You haven’t been anywhere but on board the Solaris, except for when you went to get Artoo. How do you know it’s true?”
“The Sith Lord first came to me through the Force. Rather, he sent his thoughts to me when he was torturing Padmay. He came to me again when he turned her to the Dark Side. But there’s more I have to tell you that’s even more upsetting Uncle Lando. He knows we’re coming. He wants us to come. That bastard is waiting for me in order to turn me too.”
“Luke mentioned the Dark Side quite often. He tried to explain it to me, but I still don’t understand what he was talking about. What exactly is it?”
“The Dark side is the evil side of the Force. It can corrupt you completely. Once turned, you’ll even kill your best friend if they oppose you.”
“Padmay is a good person. She’d never harm anyone.”
“Under normal circumstances she wouldn’t, but the Sith Lord is controlling her mind. She’ll do anything he asks of her.”
“I don’t understand how anyone’s mind can be controlled fully. Not without a physically threat being held against them or someone they care about.”
“You’ve seen Uncle Luke use the Force on weak minded people making them do things they didn’t want to do. It’s kind of like that, but the Dark Side gains absolute control over your mind. You forsake everything you’ve ever believed in. Friendship, love, it makes no difference. You won’t let anyone stand in your way. You become another person entirely. Padmay has joined the Dark Side and is now evil. She’s under the influence of the Sith Lord. He wants to turn me in order to control me too. He wants to use our powers in order to overthrow the New Republic. It may already be too late to save my sister. Padmay now belongs to her Master body and soul.”
“Padmay belongs to no one. She isn’t a slave.”
“She is now. Lord Vader has twisted her mind.”
“Darth Vader’s clone. That’s who’s holding her captive.”
“That’s impossible. Vader died on board the Death Star.”
Ben sighed. He knew Lando would never accept the fact that Darth Vader lived again as a clone. “It’s kind of har
d to explain, but Darth Vader found a way to reincarnate through a clone. This being isn’t the Vader you remember either. He’s more powerful. Palpatine transferred all his knowledge to my grandfather when he was injured on Mustafar. Vader’s clone contains both Vader and Palpatine’s personalities, as well as having their powers.
“You’re not making any sense Ben. Vader and Palpatine are both dead. They were on the second Death Star when it was destroyed. Reincarnation is a myth. Even if true, it’s impossible for two separate personalities to be reborn as a single individual.”
“I know it seems highly unlikely. It’s hard for me to believe myself, but it is true. Regardless, I’m certain Padmay is on Geonosis and under that bastard’s influence.”
“Why are you so sure Padmay turned?”
“The new Vader wanted me to know that he’s seduced Padmay to the Dark Side, just like Sidious seduced my grandfather. He’s twisted her mind and let her experience the power he possess. Palpatine tried to get Uncle Luke to join him on the Dark Side, but he refused. This enraged Darth Sidious. His clone still holds on to that rejection. It’s made his resolve even stronger to turn the Skywalker line. This new Sith Lord will use every resource to achieve his wicked goals. That includes using my sister, as well as me.”
“Sith Lord, Palpatine, Sidious, Darth Vader. Vader’s clone! You’ve got me completely baffled Ben. Just who in the hell are you talking about?”
“Emperor Palpatine was a Sith Lord by the name Darth Sidious. I already explained that to you when we were on Tatooine. Palpatine transferred his essence into Darth Vader when he was wounded by Obi-Wan Kenobi. We’ll be confronting both personas on Geonosis because they’ve been reborn into one single being, but Vader is the personality that dominates his clone. I know it’s extremely hard to believe Uncle Lando, but it’s the truth. I swear it.”
“This is all very confusing Ben. You’re saying that Vader’s clone was created from both Darth Vader and Palpatine combined. Am I right?”
“That’s who we’ll be facing on Geonosis?”
“Yes, but it isn’t just Vader’s clone we’ll be facing. We’ll be confronting Padmay as well. She’ll use everything she’s learned from this new Sith Lord in order to protect him.”